Practicing BDSM: Do we have a precise understanding of what it means? Over the years, it’s become so much associated with abuse that it’s gotten such a bad rep.
Movies and novels, the likes of the Fifty Shades film trilogy, have done a great deal of furthering that notion. They’ve created the impression that only persons who have suffered some abuse in their past are the ones more likely to practice BDSM.
Useful Beginner Advice on Practicing BDSM
Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that that isn’t entirely true. Most individuals have realized so and are openly sharing their desire for such sex ideas. Among the key aspects that people look at is people’s freedom to express themselves. In the process, they’ve noted that we’ve become open with expressing sexual fantasies and without the fear of judgment.
So, what’s BDSM? It stands for Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism. They are a fantastic way of coming up with sex ideas to spice up a marriage. Even for those in the dating phase.
Here’s a short explanation about what each entails.

All About BDSM
Bondage and Discipline
It’s precisely as it sounds. Bondage is all about restrictions, putting your partner in blindfolds, ropes, or handcuffs. In comparison, discipline is the act of practicing or training your partner to follow or do as you suggest without hesitation, making them submissive.
Dominance and Submission
Role-playing is where one partner takes charge and becomes the dominant party, while the other becomes the submissive, the one that surrenders. Submission can be both physical and emotional, and in some cases, extend beyond sex moments.
Sadism and Masochism
They involve sex ideas experimental with pain and which can be a bit extreme, especially for newbies. Sadism is all about giving pain, while masochism is the opposite and involves receiving the pain.
Now that you’ve become aware of the above, you’ll take the time to understand yourself and figure out just which one are you? Identifying what you and your partner are will help you learn how to control sex ideas and safely implement them. You must become aware of the following before venturing into this world.
It’s an Exciting and Safe Way of Implementing Your Crazy Sex Ideas
Contrary to popular belief that kinky sex is for the mentally and emotionally unstable, it’s for everybody and an excellent way of expressing yourself. It will surprise you just how fantastic BDSM sex ideas in the house with your partner. Can transform your once dull sex life into an amazing adventure. What’s of significance is the fact that safety is a number one priority when it comes to such sexual relations.
Experimenting with sex ideas is terrific and will probably draw you closer to your lover. But it can also be just as dangerous without safety measures in place. Safe words and rules are the best at maintaining safety.

Take It Slow With Your BDSM Sex Ideas
There’s no reason why you should be in a rush to try all things at once. Yes, you’ve had your first experience with BDSM; it’s given you a thrill and bursts of unforgettable pleasure. You probably can’t wait for the next time, and the eagerness to get that feeling all over again is killing you. There’s also a chance you want to try out other stuff – hold your horses! Take it slow.
There’s no reason why you should be in a hurry to implement all your sex ideas at once. Spend time figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t step by step. It’s not only safer but will also let you design your kink to the precision of your satisfaction.
There’s no limit to what you can do
Check sex ideas with food, showers, handcuffs, ropes, ice, candle wax, and so forth. Therefore, it’s only logical that you go slowly to get an experience of all to achieve perfection.
Have Ground Rules
BDSM is a sex game. Like playing any other game, ground rules must be set and adhered to the latter to play fair and safe. One of the best things about BDSM is that it improves communication in a relationship. For safety purposes, you’ll have to discuss what works and what doesn’t for both of you. Best to be safe and kinky.
You can have some sort of contract to refer to from time to time. It’s at this stage that you’ll discuss sex ideas for vacations, outdoors, your home, among others, and the rules that will govern them.
Be creative but also safe
BDSM is a broad topic and involves a lot. With this guide, we’ve only scratched the surface but enough to get you going. You’re beginning an exciting adventure and one that you’ll probably regret not having started earlier. Let’s ditch the misconception that it’s only for persons with psychological and emotional issues, but rather let’s embrace it as an alternative to spice up our intimate moments.
What are some crazy sex ideas that have worked for your relationship(s)? Please share some of them with us.
Author’s bio:
Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.
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