BDSM Beginners: 10 Best Sex Toys and How to Use Them: Part 1

Fantasies of hot, rough love play with BDSM Beginners elements excite the minds of many couples. But not everyone dares to experiment. Bondage sex, domination can “shake up” the monotonous intimate life. And create a special bond and trust between partners.

In our article we collected 10 best sex toys for BDSM experiments.

BDSM Beginners Sex Toys

1. Handcuffs

As an essential attribute of bondage and discipline, handcuffs are a popular and harmless way to add a bit of spice to bed entertainment. The sight of a tied, shackled helpless partner, the feeling of power over him is a special pleasure. Both a man and a woman can be subordinate. But you can also switch places!

How to use handcuffs in sex

  • Limit your partner’s movements by chaining him to furniture, interior items.
  • Connect your partner’s limbs together using 2 pairs of handcuffs or special carabiners.
  • Experiment with bold sex positions by tying up your partner. Get inspiration from erotic films.
  • The boldest can join their hands with the partner’s hands in the manner of a policeman and a criminal from American action movies. Go to a crowded place and enjoy the reaction of those who notice the “bracelets”.

Tips for Using Cuffs

  • Leather, synthetic fabric, metal, silicone, with fur, chains.
  • Beginners better choose models with wide, soft cuffs.
  • Do not tighten them tight for the first time. So as not to injure the hands and not pinch the blood vessels.
  • We advise to store spare set of keys in an accessible secure place for toys with a lock key.
  • Never leave a constrained partner alone for long, even if it is part of fantasy.
bdsm beginners
Lace Mask and Cuffs

2. Blindfold mask

Simple blindfold mask can give extraordinarily sensual experiences and to paint in colors even familiar love scenarios. We perceive most of the information with our eyes. During deprivation the rest of the senses start working in full force.

How to use blindfold mask

  • Blindfold your partner during foreplay, turn on relax music, love up. Taste, tactile, auditory sensations become keener.
  • Blind erotic massage brings plenty of rueful feelings. Play with different materials.
  • Touch your partner’s body with pieces of soft cloth, fur, feathers, try wax play, massage oil and ice cubes.
  • Use a wider headband or headphones to restrict outside sounds before lovemaking.

Tips for blindfold mask use.

Special BDSM masks differ from sleeping accessories in width, dense material and a sealing rim around the edges. Inside it can be different in texture: sliding satin, delicate fur.

Ensure constant contact during sensory deprivation. Conversations and touch will maintain a trusting atmosphere.

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3. Flogger

A short, soft whip with a lot of tails is ideal for starting whipping practice. This flogger is specially designed for light impact. It is impossible to cut the skin or to cause severe pain with this device. Flogger is great for warming up before using a harder device.

How to use a flogger

  • Show your partner the flogger before love making. Tell what you are going to do with this device.
  • Move the tailsends gently over the erogenous zones, tickle and lightly stroke.
  • Vary sex with role play scenarios that reserve punishment. Think about the assignments that will cause to be whipped in case of fail.
  • Do not stroke the same place for long.  “Eights” with your wrist instead of fishing rod movements.
  • If you feel confident with the simplest flogger, tie knots at the ends of its tails (for intense pain) or buy a hard device.

Tips for flogger use.

A first flogging experiments better start with with soft flogger withshort tails tails (to avoid overlap). Without additional rivets, knots and crackers. Remember to warm up gradually and gently. Avoid stroking back in the kidney area and around the face.


4. Crop

An elegant accessory came to BDSM from horse jockeys. A flexible thin cane with a flapper ortail head is used for pinpoint strokes.  This crop gives tangible pain due to the small area of application of the entire swing force.

Outwardly, such a rod looks extremely decorative, but it is able to create an atmosphere of dominance and cause sweet experiences.

How to use crop during sex

  • Gently tease your partner erogenous zones with the crop end.
  • Use device for impact flogging of soft body parts: thighs, buttocks.
  • Strokes can be done with the entire crop length, using it as a rod.
  • Many roleplays and costumes go well with this accessory.
  • Invite your partner to try on the outfit of a strict mistress / master or teacher.

Tips for crop use

  • Beginners better choose crop without metal rings or rivets at the slap.
  • If handled uncertainly it could cause injury and cut the skin.
  • Pay attention that a rod made of any material should be smooth, with processed edges.
  • Crops and rods should not be used on the body parts where the tendons and bones are not covered with a muscles layer.

5. Gag

Attribute of submission will appeal to those who are not ready to experience strong physical sensations. Mouth gag devices are manufactured in various shapes (the most popular is ball and bridle) from soft and semi-rigid materials (silicone, latex, rubber, plastic).

Being in the mouth for a long time, the gag causes profuse salivation, which can also be an element of humiliation. A gag does not deprive a person of the ability to make sounds. It turns out with him to moan, but it is impossible to pronounce something clearly.

How to use a gag in BDSM session

  • Put on a classic ball version to your partner before spanking or sex. Enjoy muffled moans.
  • Expander-type ring gag is good for forcing oral sex. Choose the size carefully so that the erect penis does not get stuck inside the ring.
  • Bridle gag is suitable for pet-play. Soft wide bridges will protect the partner’s tongue from biting during intense pain (flogging, temperature play).
  • Numerous dildo gag options can create the feeling of double penetration.

Tips for gag use

Choose not the largest gag available in store. Make sure that gag does not interfere with normal breathing. In case of dildo gag, do not put your partner on back to avoid suffocation.

Read Part 2 of 10 Best Sex Toys for BDSM Beginners

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